Our Team

Executive TEAM

J.Vivek Anand

A businessman by profession and a Philanthropist by passion, Sri. Vivek Anand has played a very important role in building the Management Systems, Strategy and global reach of the Akshaya Vidya Foundation. He strongly believes that we need to work towards a more equitable society. 

He believes that the lack of quality education is not just a social issue, but an economic one too! The amazing children he has met in the slums have lead him to believe that with the right education, the future Ratan Tatas, Azim Premjis, Abdul Kalams are all there in the slums, just waiting to be recognised and given a chance to show their inner capabilities. His work is towards allowing them to shine.

Founder Trustee & Vice-Chairman

Sri. Prasad Tentu is the heart and vision behind the Akshaya Vidya Foundation. Having overcome a very poor childhood with minimal academic facilities, he understood the pain of the children who do not have access to quality education and made it his life mission to ensure no child should go through the same. 

It is his passion and drive that had founded Akshaya Vidya in 2011 with 5 students and has brought it today to a level of having more than 3600 students across Hyderabad. Prasad believes strongly in the statement “Nation is my Family” and works for the upliftment of and a better future for all the children of our nation.

Founder Trustee & Advisor

Sri. S.Janardhan garu is Managing Director of Deccan Coach Builders Pvt Ltd. He is actively involved in several social activities and NGOs. He has been instrumental in connecting many like-minded people to AVF and has also helped in raising funds for AVF through various organizations.


Prakash Kadakia
Trustee, Fund Raising Head

Sri. Prakash Kadakia is Trustee and Fund Raising Head of Akshaya Vidya Foundation. He is the backbone of & the vision behind all that AVF does. He has experience in social service, grass roots mobilization and organization building for more than 5 decades.

Born on February 14,1947 in Balasinore , Gujarat. He was brought up by his maternal grandparents due to his mother’s ill health. Parents were simple, but he was brought up in well to do family. He did his education from Mehaboob college and Electrical Engineering from Osmania University. He started business in Mumbai but because of Asthma, shifted back to Hyderabad, and is still in business today. He has got two Pharma factories, and Export Merchant trading co. He has got two sons and a daughter married to a doctor in the US. Him and his son have travelled extensively in India and abroad for business. 

His family believes in Charity, and spiritual principles. He believes education is the only solution for better life, as knowledge is power. He is always been a strong pillar in the activities of Akshaya Vidya.

Sreedevi Mulpury
Academic Head

When the Akshaya Vidya Foundation was looking for ways to make the curriculum more fun and simultaneously encourage faster learning, Mrs. Sreedevi Mulpury was a godsend to us. With vast experience in developing learning environments and syllabus for various organizations, she is the ideal person to help develop a custom syllabus for these children with different levels of learning. .

Her passion has driven our Academic rigour and after experimentation with various forms, formats and processes of learning, she has been the key driver in Akshaya Vidya developing it’s unique model of learning in English, Telugu and Maths suited for self learning for these slum children irrespective of which level they are at. Her passion, expertise and large heart combined have made her more than just an employee and an integral part of the success of Akshaya Vidya Foundation.

S. Pavan Kumar

Sri. Pavan Kumar is a software professional and is working as a Technical Lead in Hyderabad. He, along with his spouse, Smt. Sailaja, has been involved actively as a part- time volunteer in Akshaya Vidya Foundation since 2011. He monitors the working of AVLCs in Borabanda area during his weekly visits. He engages children with stories and also guides the tutors whenever possible. He also participates in almost all AVF activities like Nivasivarga, Special Training Camps, Kathala Ratri, Bala Sabha , Annual Day, rally on Independence Day etc. He is very passionate about conducting Sunday Libraries in AVF.

He introduced joint entrance system for national level Skill trainers’ training programmes (CITS) and Advanced Diploma Course in Cloud Computing in association with IBM. He developed and implemented joint-venture training projects with MNCs(Ford, IBM etc. ). He worked in the selection committee for Trades to be taken up in World Skill, Kazan, Russia in 2019. He represented Indian Delegation led by Hon’ble Minister of Skill Development during official visit to Germany in June, 2018.

A. Pallavi, IAS - 2009 Batch, Karnataka Cadre
G. Shiril Saroj, IRS, Commissioner (Import), Mumbai

Mr. Saroj is an Engineer from CBIT, Hyderabad and has joined the Civil Services to serve the nation. Today he proudly serves as Commissioner of Customs – Import Commissionerate.