

We run AVLCs in Nandanavanam (near LB Nagar), Singareni Colony (near Dilshuknagar), Borabanda (near Jubilee Hills) and Rasoolpura (near Secunderabad) in the twin cities. We also run AVLCs in Medchal.

Mode of operations

Our AVLCs function from 6.00PM to 8.00PM every day. Teaching is taken up from Monday to Friday. Saturday is a fun day when children enjoy singing, dancing, art and craft, storytelling etc.

Syllabus is taught in the AVLCs from June to February only. In March every year, the preparation carried on in schools for annual exams in April is reinforced in the AVLCs.


The AVLCs were started with pure passion and a set of committed volunteers who had no academic teaching experience. The Volunteers developed a Syllabus as they thought fit and the initial months and years were focused on developing basic concepts in the children. We even had to work on ensuring they came neatly dressed to class. Children initially came with torn clothes, running noses, undone hair etc.

Once these initial points were addressed, a Professional Academician was brought in, who started customizing the syllabus as prescribed by the Government of Telangana, as per the requirement in our AVLCs.

The Syllabus of AVLCs are now tailored to meet the standards of our children, fun enough to engage them, simple enough for them to understand, yet gradually building up their knowledge and understanding.

Today our academic rigour includes regular multi level feedback including a comprehensive monthly testing of every child to ensure they have understood what was taught in the month.

Tutors are trained in the beginning of each month on not just the content, but also on how to present it to the children in a fun and enjoyable way.

A comprehensive data collection and analysis ensures our process is always evolving to improve efficiency and effectiveness in our teaching.

The multi-level Operation team ensures smooth running of the system and give a real time feedback to Academics on the performance of the children

Our academic team is constantly in research mode and undertaking the study of methods adopted elsewhere in the world while keeping in view the changes being brought in the education policy of India. Our endeavor is to maintain our activities in line with the activity- oriented and experiential learning as prescribed in the latest National Education Policy 2020.

In accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals, we are trying our level best to reach out to more students through our work so that no child is left behind.

During Covid times, we shifted to online method wherein the children were given tasks in WhatsApp groups. Teaching Learning materials were posted in these groups. The children completed the tasks and posted the photos in the groups. The tutor then guided them as necessary. Assessment was carried on using Google forms.





Admission of our student-turned-tutor into IIT, Kharagpur (B.Tech-Computer Science) – Ramesh, whose father is an auto driver and mother is a daily wage laborer was born in abject poverty in Singareni colony. Ramesh and his brothers, both have made tremendous effort and shown real self discipline and motivation by studying hard. From a young age Ramesh has strived hard and with the help of Akshaya Vidya tutoring and mentoring achieved 100% marks in 10th standard. Thereafter he showed a passion to becoming a software engineer and studied exceptionally hard and cracked arguably the most difficult exam JEE in 2022 by scoring 6584th rank and 39th ST rank placing in the prestigious IIT Kharagpur in computer science program.

Coming from vastly difficult economic circumstances and uneducated parents, Ramesh’s achievement is simply stellar and shows that if human beings can persevere they can achieve any great heights with hard work .

Gurukul 2022 – 130 / 278 students of Class 4 cleared the entrance exam and secured admission into Class 5 in Gurukul residential schools in Telangana. The admission into these schools provides the students a path towards transforming their lives as they receive uninterrupted free quality education till Class 12. They are given coaching in the field of their choice to pursue their higher education. 

Gurukul  2021 – 142/180 of the students who appeared for the entrance to the Gurukul Schools got qualified for admission in these schools……proud and happy moments for Team Akshaya Vidya, parents and students. This is truly a life transforming event in the lives of these little kids. Now these kids will receive free and good quality education from Class 5 to 12. They will be given coaching in sports and cultural activities of their choice. Coaching for competitive exams will be given for 11th and 12th class students.

All credit goes to Team Akshaya Vidya who worked hard with full commitment during the summer and the 2nd wave of Covid, taking all precautions while coaching these students in their areas.

As per the information released in the newspapers by the Govt of Telangana, for the 604 Gurukul Residential Schools in Telangana, 74,078 students wrote the entrance test on 18.07.21. 48320 students qualified and were allotted seats provisionally. The admission will be confirmed only after the selected students submit the required documents on or before 15.09.2021.

The children who got admissions in the Gurukul schools were given a kit containing a trunk box, blanket, plate, spoon, glass, bowl, bucket and a mug which they would need in their hostel.

130 students cleared the entrance and got admissions in Gurukul residential schools in June 2022.

Girl Child

In our society girls have always faced gender bias in the families especially in the underprivileged areas. In these families, when the mother goes out to work, the burden of household chores and taking care of the younger siblings falls on the shoulders of the young girls. Their education is never given any importance.

Akshaya Vidya has been working towards educating more and more number of girls in the underprivileged areas. Parent committees (mostly involving mothers) are formed for every AVLC. The mothers are educated about the importance of the education of their children especially the girls in their families.

Women empowerment

Akshaya Vidya is working towards empowering women in the slums. Our tutors and coordinators who are mostly young women are trained in academics, computer skills and communication skills during the regular training programs. Once they complete their formal education, they are sent for training in the field of their choice and are placed in jobs.  Many of our tutors, who used to work part-time as domestic helps and other unskilled jobs, are now placed in marketing, software, designing, data entry etc jobs and are earning well. This has helped them in moving away from the slums.

Involvement of police

Akshaya Vidya has been instrumental in improving the environment and culture within the slums by running evening Classes for all children within the slums for free. While there has been resistance from many within the slum who are used to freely drinking etc., with the support of the Hyderabad Police, they have been successful in largely reducing undesirable elements from openly terrorizing areas. Young Women who were earlier hesitant to leave their homes after 6 PM have been bravely teaching these classes from 6 to 8 PM on a daily basis.

Observing our work in the slums of Singareni Colony near Dilshuknagar, Hyderabad, Mr. M.Ramesh, IPS, Joint Commissioner of Police, East Zone, Hyderabad City, visited our AVLCs, in 2018, distributed laptops to our tutors and interacted with our tutors and students. Much impressed by our work, he took special interest and involved the police machinery in providing safety to our tutors and coordinators. With the intervention of Police machinery, our tutors and coordinators who were subjected to harassment by the locals started feeling safe and gained the confidence of facing such problems head on.

Mr. Anjani Kumar visited our AVLCs in the Singareni Colony, interacted with the parents, students and our staff. He applauded the efforts of Akshaya Vidya in working towards education and empowerment of the children especially girls in the slums and called our tutors as “Nation builders”.

Ms. Shikha Goel, IPS, Addl Commissioner of Police, Crimes  and Ms Sirisha Raghavendra, Additional DCP, She Teams & Bharosa, Hyderabad met our tutors at the Bharosa Centre in Hyderabad, applauded their work , asked them to be vigilant and assured them of protection.

The collaboration between Akshaya Vidya and Hyderabad Police has been further strengthened because of the involvement of the Home Minister, Mr. Mahmood Ali who met and interacted with our tutors at the Bharosa Centre in Hyderabad.