Date: 29.08.2022 (05.30PM – 08.00PM)
Place: Pochamma Temple, Singareni Colony
No. of participants: Full – time staff, CCs and tutors of SG and their parents – 45
Guests: Mr. Srininvas Reddy, Addl DCP, East Zone, Subbirama Reddy, SHO, Saidabad, Shivaji, SI, Singareni Colony, basti leaders (10), volunteers (4)
To enable digital technology to be used in our AVLCs, laptops were distributed to 21 tutors in Singareni colony by Mr. Srininvas Reddy, Addl DCP, East Zone, Hyderabad. He spoke to the gathering and asked the tutors to use the laptops for academic purpose only and to handle them with care. Mr. Subbirama Reddy, SHO, Saidabad, Mr. Shivaji, SI, Singareni Colony also attended the event. Basti leaders and volunteers also participated in the event.